Carolina Faith Riders
Northside hosts a Carolina Faith Riders group.
Carolina Faith Riders is a motorcyclist ministry designed to be intentionally evangelistic and to give churches an additional resource to equip and engage members to boldly share their faith with those in their motorcycle community who are lost, unchurched and searching for a place of significance. We pray this ministry will compel members to use their love of motorcycles as a tool to become a Great Commandment Christian, fulfill the Great Commission and glorify God.
Carolina Faith Riders grew out of a desire to develop a ministry based in and accountable to the local church, focused on reaching the local motorcycle community with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The ministry provides churches with the basic framework and guidelines needed to start a chapter while incorporating flexibility for the church to mold and adapt their ministry to best fit the distinct personality of their church and motorcycle community. The main goal of the ministry is to be intentionally evangelistic and to provide churches with a unique opportunity to allow more of their congregation to become involved in motorcycle community outreach and evangelism.
Carolina Faith Riders was not developed to compete with any other motorcyclist ministry, nor does it intend to attract members away from these ministries. Our desire is to work alongside fellow believers in order that we, as a Christian body, might reach the greatest number of people possible with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Carolina Faith Riders is open to any Baptist State Convention of North Carolina church, regardless of geographic location, church size or number of chapter members. No membership fees or dues are associated with joining the ministry. Our only requirements are that you love motorcycles, the people who ride them and have a heart for reaching people who do not know Jesus' love and forgiveness.
If you would like to know more about the Carolina Faith Riders, simply click their logo.