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Wednesday Night

Wednesday Nights  is what we view as part of the "Love People" stage of our ministry. It is part of the second step in becoming a part of our church family and it takes place each Wednesday night at 7:00 PM.


A typical Wednesday night is a time of us coming together as a smaller group for a time of devotion and prayer. This is an extended time of prayer in which we pray for prayer concerns, those who are sick, families in need of a touch from God, or the needs of our church.


How is this part of loving people you may ask? It is where we show our love for people by taking time to pray for them and the things they may be facing in their life. However, it is also a time where we come together as a group in order to grow closer to Christ as we grow in our relationships with each other.


Note, that two Wednesday nights per month are for other purposes.

  • The first Wednesday night after the first Sunday of the month is our monthly business meeting and is for church members only

  • The last Wednesday night is set aside for (AIM) Adults in Missions. This is a time when a meal is served and there is a speaker who shares about a mission and how we can be involved. Please note that the meal before is served at 6:30 PM.


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