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What To Expect On Your First Visit

Whether it's your first time at church or you've attended church for years, our Sunday services will be a welcoming place for you to enjoy worshiping Jesus with others. We want you to feel as if you are a welcomed part of our family. We want you to know that community makes life easier and often reminds us how hard it is to do life alone.

Upon your arrival you will find adequate parking, whether in front of the church which enters into the sanctuary or in the back parking lot which enters into the fellowship hall area. Just so you know, there are special marked visitor parking spaces located near the fellowship hall entrance.
















Once parked, you will be greeted with smiling faces and a greeter who will be able to answer any questions as well as point you in the right direction.

Upon entering the sanctuary for worship, you will notice we consist of a variety of people. Some will be dressed in jeans and tee shirts, others will be dressed in suits and dresses. We invite you to come the way which you feel comfortable.

During worship we offer a nursery for children that range from new born to 3 years old as well as a children's church for children ages 4 to 2nd grade.

Our worship service consists of announcements about upcoming church activities, a prayer time, a time of praise and worship (consisting of modern, contemporary music as well as great old hymns). You will notice the use of guitars, bass guitars, hand drums, piano, keyboard, and a choir. There is also a children's message that is part of the service and of course there will be a message that is both relevant to your life, the times, and one that is in alignment with the word of God.

We would love to have you visit us and see if we might be a place where you would like to become a part of the family ... The family of Christ.  

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