Student Ministry

The purpose of Northside Student Ministry is to show students how they can not only have a relationship with an amazing God who loves them, but how they can live their lives as disciples of Jesus. White Stone's Student Ministry is built on a foundation of love and strong relationships.
We strive to "Love God, Love People & Serve All!"
Sunday Mornings @ 9:45am
We offer a Sunday School class for students at 9:45 am on Sunday mornings. This is during the same time that the adults meet. Students meet in the Student room.
Sunday Nights @ 6pm
We take Sunday nights to take a deeper look at what was taught on Wednesday night. We break the students up into small groups. They are broken up by age and gender.
Wednesday Nights @ 4:30pm Open Gym/Game Room & 6pm Worship and Bible Study
We offer a awesome experience on Wednesday nights. We open up the gym and game room at 4:30pm for students to come hangout, play games, work on homework and fellowship. At 5:45pm we serve the students supper and our Worship/Bible Study for students starts at 7pm. We have time of worship and then time of looking into Gods word and showing how the Bible can help the students with things going on in their life now. Wednesday nights is called "The Gathering" and it is open to middle school, high school, college students, and young adults.
There are also other events offered by the student ministry which include lock-ins, concerts, service opportunities, as well as an upcoming summer mission trip.